Monday, July 23, 2012

Understanding the Divorce Nisi Period

This is a blog that I found written by Kelsey and Trask, P.C. that explains the nisi waiting period for a divorce in Massachusetts. I am posting it because it is written clearly and is easy to understand.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Even NFL Players Have Trouble Paying Child Support

Former NFL football player, Terrell Owens, reached an agreement on July 19, 2012 to resolve his back child support. Prior to the agreement, he was facing a threat of contempt. He is paying some $5,000 a month in child support. In Massachusetts, the standard of contempt is defiance of a clear and unequivocal order and child support may not be modified retroactively. A debtor must pay their back arrearages. This is done by adding 25% onto whatever the child support guidelines say. Child support issues are a common problem in today's recessionary economy for folks. Hope this blog helps shed some light on this issue.

Click here for the ESPN article

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fourth of July event

Delighted to celebrate the SLS Fourth of July event, where we raised $16,000 for Shelter Legal Services. Their mission is to provide litigation services to homeless and low-income veterans. I want to thank my fellow board members and the staff for all their help in making the event such a success. Looking forward to doing it again next year!

For more information on Shelter Legal Services, please visit their website at