Friday, January 10, 2014

Veterans Legal Services Annual Gala

Veterans Legal Services provides free legal advice and representation to homeless and low-income veterans. They also provide legal advice and representation to individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Veterans Legal Services relies on the support of their generous donors so they can continue to offer critical legal services to those who need it the most. Their Annual Gala which will be held tonight January 10, 2014 allows them to raise thousands of dollars to ensure that the organization can run for many years to come. A lot of time and preparation goes into preparing for this event, which includes securing a location, gathering valuable auction items and making sure that all of their donors know that they are greatly appreciated.

To find out more information about Veterans Legal Services and the event or to learn more about how you can get involved with the organization you can visit their website at or contact me at 617-236-5847
Veterans Legal Services Board Members